Safeguarding Overview

No one in sport and physical activity; whether they are a volunteer, participant, spectator or elite athlete, should ever have to worry about abuse or harassment.

We are committed to safeguarding all those who participate in our sport, ensuring they can do so in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment. We aim to enable all of our clubs and county associations to provide safe environments for all participants.

Bowls England’s safeguarding function works in collaboration with The Bowls Development Alliance (BDA), The English Indoor Bowling Association (EIBA), English Short Mat Bowling Association (ESMBA), The British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA), English Bowling Federation (EBF) and Disability Bowls England (DBE).

All categories of membership (clubs and counties), as a qualification of membership, must adopt the Safeguarding Policies and Guidelines (or any subsequent policy) as approved by Bowls England. This requirement must be included in all club and county constitutions.

We follow the safeguarding recommendations of Bowls England.  Click below to learn more (opens in new tab or window). 

Our Safeguarding Officer is our Hon Secretary, Janise Marillat (see Club Officers).

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